Augusta teacher takes over as middle school principal
Doug Jefferson will be the new assistant principal at Rose Hill Middle School next year after spending his previous 21 years as a teacher and coach at Augusta High School.
Rose Hill Middle School hired a new assistant principal last month after the previous Assistant Principal, Jeff Sells, took over as principal for the middle school.
The new assistant principal will be Doug Jefferson, who has been in the Augusta School District for 21 years. Jefferson taught social studies, while also being the head high school baseball coach and head middle school football coach. Jefferson will also be taking on the role of athletic director at RHMS.
“I’ve been looking to move into administration because I feel I can help and influence more people through administration rather than just teaching and coaching,” Jefferson said. “I was interested in middle school positions because I believe those students are just starting to figure out who they are, and if they can have a positive and successful three years in middle school, it will set them on the right path in high school.
Jefferson believes his time in Augusta will benefit him well moving to Rose Hill and he is also familiar with people who work in USD 394.
“In administration, I get to communicate with more stakeholders in the community and can still be involved with students, parents, and teachers,” said Jefferson.
Sells said he had several quality applicants for the assistant principal position, but Jefferson’s educational philosophies and his administrative vision made him the right fit and choice.
“We had many applicants and great interviews that made a very difficult decision,” Sells said. “I’m excited for the future of the middle school and Mr. Jefferson will play an intricate part in that.”