Remote learning extended for middle and high school

Pre-K through 5th grade will have option to return to onsite learning on November 30.

Due to the novel coronavirus, USD 394 went to remote learning on November 16 through Thanksgiving. Under further observation, the USD 394 School Board affirmed the decision to extend remote learning for grades 6-12 through the end of the first semester (December 18).

Students PreK-5 will go back to online learning on November 30, but parents will have the option to continue with remote learning.

“The USD 394 School Board has affirmed the decision to extend the remote learning format for students in grades 6-12 through the end of the semester, December 18th… This decision is based on the factors,” said Superintendent Randal Chickadonz in an email to the district. “ These students are not able to cohort during school, which increases the likelihood of exposure, these students are of the age that are susceptible of being exposed and becoming symptomatic and more likely to expose others, the positive virus incident rate at the high school was very high when we moved to remote learning and the community environment has not improved.”

 Unlike the high school and middle school, the intermediate and primary did not have to go remote for a high number of positive cases of Covid-19, but instead because they were understaffed.

“The elementary schools moved to remote learning because of the difficulty to cover the staff positions that were absent and not because of a high positive virus incident rate ,” said Chickadonz, as he elaborated on the issue of being understaffed at the elementary schools. “Although covering for adults at the elementary schools continues to be difficult, not having to also cover for the middle/high school staff could reduce that difficulty.”

According to the Butler County’s website, there are 32 active cases in Rose Hill and 354 cases in the county. Sedgwick County currently has over 21,000 active cases.