Class of 2021: Here’s to You
The class of 2021 has endured uncertainty like no other. Between going back and forth from online and in person classes, they have learned to be flexible.
Jenny Page, a Physical Education teacher at RHHS, and the 2021 class sponsor, couldn’t be more proud of these seniors.
“I have so much admiration for the class of 2021,” Page said. “They have had to endure a lot of losses – the loss of cherished classmates and many pivotal high school moments and events. With loss comes growth and appreciation.”
Emma Geer, a senior at RHHS, said her overall experience was a little different from normal high school years.
“It was harder and more disappointing because we didn’t get a lot of the things that other seniors got or what a normal senior would get,” Geer said. “Our year has been uncertain; we haven’t known what’s going on with COVID and everything so we’ve just been guessing.”
Geer said that through the difficulties, their class developed a relationship like no other.
“Most of us were raised together so we have a bond that other high school classes don’t have,” Geer said. “With COVID and Reese (Naylor) and Charlie (Futhey), I feel pride because we pushed through all this and we’ve stuck together.”
Riley Baker, also a senior at Rose Hill High School, was grateful to the administration for attempting to make it a typical year.
“I’m so pleased with how well the school has gone to ensure that the class of 2021 has a normal senior year,” said Baker.
Baker also felt like her class has proved themselves to be a strong one.
“Losing Reese and Charlie was so hard and I believe my class came together for each other in that time of need,” said Baker.
Ryan Hill, the Industrial Technology teacher at RHHS, said the departure of the senior class is bittersweet.
“The class of 2021 is special in many ways, they have dealt with many challenges which made them have to grow up a little too quickly, but now that they have adapted and overcome those challenges, I’m excited to see what they will become,” Hill said. “Life is all about perseverance and living for the moment and I know this class knows how to do those things.”
Hill advised the class to look ahead and not to dwell on the past.
“My message for the class of 2021 is to cherish these memories, but know you have many more in your life as well,” Hill said. “Remember the life lessons taught here but improve upon them. Treat people with respect and give back when you can. And finally, continue the legacy of a Rocket and rise above.”
This class has experienced loss at a young age when they lost their close peers, Naylor and Futhey, both to cancer. Page told the class to ‘Keep On Keeping On’.
“I hope that the class of 2021 will continue to see the positive in all situations and continue to live life knowing that tomorrow isn’t promised,” said Page. “I hope they continue to seek joy and keep on striving to make a difference for others in this world.”

Hi, I’m Sydney LaKous. I’ve been on The Rocket Press for three years. I’m also involved in volleyball and KAY Club.