Vandalism found at District Stadium

Photo was taken off social media

Derogatory words were written about the football program at the north end of the football stadium. The vandalism was found early Sunday morning.

Vandalism was discovered at the Rose Hill football stadium Sunday, September 16. The destruction was aimed towards the football program and was written on the pavement, by the north entrance of the stadium.

The statement that was written said: “Rose Hill football sucks fund something else that is worth your money and time”

The words were cleaned off immediately.

“This shows very poor character on the part of the individual,” Rose Hill High School Principal Shannon Haydock said. “And is extremely unfortunate that this event happened.”

Long-time assistant coach, Ryan Hill, thought the statements were unfair, considering how many players have to pay to play.

“I think its unfair judgment to all of the kids that have put in effort to this sport,” said Hill. “And they also fund their own program with pay-to-play money.”

At Rose Hill there is a general athletic fund where the money for the sport programs go. Then the money goes to Athletic Director, Jim Linot, where he decides how the money is divided.

The football program is one of the highest revenue activities at RHHS.