District Votes on School Calendar

USD 394 staff voted on the 2020-2021 calendar before Christmas. It was accepted to the board on January 13.

USD 394 staff voted on the 2020-2021 calendar before Christmas. It was accepted to the board on January 13.

The Rose Hill School District recently voted on the 2020-2021 calendar, choosing between two different options. 

The one that was chosen, Calendar B, has the first day of school on Thursday, August 13. The first semester ends on Friday, Dec. 18, which gives students a 16-day break. The last day of school is Thursday, May 20.

The USD 394 School Board accepted Calendar B at the board meeting on Monday, January 13.

For Calendar A, school would have started on Wednesday August 12. The first semester would have ended on Dec. 22 and given students only 12 days for Winter Break. The last day of school would have been Wednesday, May 19.

Perhaps the biggest sticking point between the two calendars was teacher workdays. In Calendar B, the work days are at the beginning and the end of the semester, while Calendar A has work days scattered throughout the semester.. 

 “The biggest reason I had for choosing Calendar A was that I use the day after the quarter to update all of my grades that I couldn’t get in during the week,” English teacher Stephanie Arbogast said. “This was very beneficial and allowed me the chance to work from home and get those grades fully updated.”

On the other side, Social Studies teacher Josh Shirley selected Calendar B.

“I thought both were great options and either could have been a great choice for our school year next year,” Shirley said.  “But in the end, I felt that Calendar B represented what I was looking for around the holidays and the start of the school year.”