Here’s to You, Class of 2020

During these difficult circumstances for the graduating class, some of the Rose Hill High School faculty and staff provided some words of encouragement and best wishes

“Seniors, even though your time got cut short this year you have made a positive impact on Rose Hill High school in your four years. Thank you for all your effort, dedication, and passion for your school. Your class will always be remembered for your accomplishments, I can’t wait to see what you all go on to accomplish in the future. Good Luck and remember once a Rocket always a Rocket!”

-Mr. Shirley


“We miss you and love you dearly. I wish that we could have seen your spring sports seasons, your prom, your graduation and so much more. My message to you is one of joy however. While we mourn the loss of those experiences this spring, just know those were not going to be the happiest moments of your life because those moments are yet to come! You have a lifetime of joys in front of you if you go out and seize the opportunities in front of you. In front of each majestic mountain, lies a great valley. We walked through that valley together this spring and we embark now up the mountain with our heads up and still climbing. Seniors, your peaks are in front of you and your base camp crew here at Rose Hill High School will always be here for you and proud of you. Cheers to you Class of 2020. You have lived through a significant moment in history; now go make more of your own. Tough People Win.”

Yours in Rocket Pride,

Mr. Weber


“Seniors, I just want to start off by saying that no one ever imagined that this was going to end like this.  There have been so many bumps in the road to the completion of this year that I know that this Class of 2020 will persevere and prosper.  Life is going to throw challenges at you constantly and the decisions that you make will form you into the person that you want to become.  You have already hit a huge challenge with the events going on in the world today.  Aim big and don’t let anyone tell you ‘you can’t do it.’  Good Luck Class of 2020!”

-Mr. Barger


“Congratulations class of 2020. I want to wish you the best in your future endeavors. Once a Rocket always a Rocket!!!”

-Mr. Jackson


“To my senior artists: You guys made me very happy and working with you was so rewarding. Your art made coming to school better than a job!”

-Mr. Hilgers


“While your year ended in chaos and you missed many milestones, remember that this has only made you stronger and more resilient. I will miss so many of you and wish that I could have said goodbye in person. Good luck and God bless and now go make a difference in this world!”

-Nurse Teri


“I am grateful for all of the work you have done in Vocal Music! Yes, it would have been fun to see you perform in the various Festivals and “Rock-It!” My heart aches for you and your class because you weren’t able to do so many “last things.” I do want to thank you for creating such incredible music these past four years!! Some of you were involved in the great performance in Carnegie Hall!! Your group auditioned and was selected to perform at KMEA- the highest honor in music you can achieve in the state of KS!! Some of you performed solos at Regional/State Festivals! Some of you were able to audition and be selected to District and State Honor Choirs! You have represented Rose Hill extremely well. Congratulations!! I want to wish each of you all of the best in whatever adventures you take on! You have had to adapt to so many things and have done well doing that!! Please know that you are always welcome to drop in or to email me!  God bless and keep singing!!”

-Mr. Stranghoner


“Best of luck to the RHHS class of 2020! Go Rockets!”

-Mr. Haydock


“Even though the school year didn’t end the way we all thought it would, when you look back in 20 years, hopefully you will see how memorable this time of your life was in a ‘good’ way.  I wish you all the best as you leave the halls of Rose Hill and venture out to either further your education, serve our country, or enter the work force.  I look forward to the positive impact you all make in your community and in your career.  Remember to work hard, strive to do your best and give your best effort, give to people/organizations in need, have fun, and wear your seatbelt!!!”

-Ms. Shelman


“Even though the end of your senior year did not turn out how you expected, I want you to know that I have so enjoyed being a part of your high school career.  Thanks for making me laugh at funny phrases or things you did in class, thanks for making me a better teacher when you asked the hard questions and made me think up new ways or methods to teach you Chemistry. Most of all, thanks for letting me be part of your life!!”

-Mrs. Holland


“What a time in which we live.  During your 4 years of High School, you have experienced some of the most unique times not only nationally but as a school as well.  There have been many ups and downs, and as you experience life, you will experience those on a personal level as well.  Whether you reflect on these times as an overtly positive experience or not these times have shaped a bit of who you are, and who you are is a Rose Hill Rocket.  If you break that down and think about the name, Rose Hill Rocket, you have Rose Hill, a hill of rose, that means it’s a climb and to get to the top you would need to travel through beautiful times but it could also be a very thorny/painful and treacherous path.  Then you think of a Rocket, one of greatest achievements of mankind, to be a rocket means you have the ability to rise above through it all and look back at the journey in which you undertook and see the beauty the whole world has to offer.  Take pride in you being a Rose Hill Rocket, it means you can overcome many obstacles in achieving great heights.  I wish you well in all your future endeavors and congratulations in taking that crucial first step in adulthood.”

-Mr. Hill


“While it is easy to get caught up in what you missed, what you won’t be able to ever do and what you won’t be able to make up, keep this is mind: you are a part of history. You will be able to tell your children and grandchildren about being the unique Class of 2020. If you think about it for a bit, it’s actually really, really cool. You all were my first freshmen class at RHHS and I have watched you grow up from itty-bitty freshman to mature seniors. It has truly been a pleasure. Be well, be kind and be prosperous. Don’t forget where you came from. Congratulations Class of 2020!”

-Mr. Browning


“Oh to have your place in history!  What stories you will tell to your kids and grandkids. Also to be at your age again. To look at life with virgin eyes.

My message for you is for you to listen sensitively for the voice of God and respond in a positive manner. Seek Him, and all else will fall, by grace, in line. Joshua 1:9  ‘Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’

Here is the most important thing that I have learned in my seasoned life; there are many false finish lines. You think to yourself, when I get that degree I have made it, or when I get married I have made it or when I have that big corner room office on the 32nd floor on Wall Street, I have made it. These are false finish lines,

The only finish line is when you breathe your last breath. So enjoy the ride of life. Enjoy the moments of life and keep going

Be neat, be safe and be kind!”

-Mr. Cole


“To all the Senior Drama students: Break a Leg in all your future endeavors!”

-Ms. Dockers


“You may have the best “when I was a kid I walked to school uphill both ways in six foot snow drifts” story of any of us! You came into high school with the crazy Presidential Election of 2016 and you’re leaving during the COVID-19 pandemic and online school forced by “stay at home” orders. You were forced to miss all of the events that seniors look forward to during the last quarter of their senior year. In between you have learned, laughed, and cried with your classmates as you have experienced a high school experience different from anyone that has gone before you. You have gotten a taste of the “real world” where obstacles are constantly placed into your path. It’s how you handle the obstacles that will determine how successful you ultimately become. As you prepare to participate in a graduation ceremony that in itself is unlike any we have ever had before, I want to wish you all the best as you step into this next phase of your life. Congratulations and Good Luck Class of 2020!!”

-Mr. Wright


“Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication over the last four years! Your class has been a joy to be around the last few years! I have appreciated all the highlights and laughs your class has provided. I look forward to watching you all continue to grow! I love you guys and wish you the very best! God bless!”

-Mr. Penner


“We’re all so sorry to see our time with the Class of 2020 cut nine weeks short. Though it is bittersweet to see you go, I am excited to see what you’ll accomplish. I cannot imagine what you’re going through, but I do know you’ll have some pretty great “back in my day” stories to tell your grandchildren.”

-Mrs. Brooks


“This class has a special place in my heart for many reasons. The most significant is that I was able to spend three years of your high school education, getting to know so many of you. Your outstanding commitment to each other and to your community has definitely set you apart. I am so proud of the individuals you have all become and I will be excited to see where the future takes each of you, as you bravely move onward into the careers you have each selected. You will always hold a special place in my heart. Please know that my door and my heart will always be opened to you whenever you need a safe harbor. Congratulations to the Class of 2020! Now go, and be the change you want to see!!”

-Ms. Arbogast